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Massage Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Bodyworker, Structural Integration Bodyworker

I obtained my training at Esalen® in 2019, and that is where I became interested in Somatic Experiencing.  Both can help the body release stress that can make chronic pain such as fibromyalgia feel worse.  Esalen® massage allows the body to reach a state of relaxation in order to help facilitate healing. 


Somatic Experiencing bodywork aims to help you regulate your nervous system and bring you body awareness.  Knowing how your body feels when you are safe and supported can help you navigate past traumas in your life.


Structural Integration has helped me become more balanced in my body and eased areas of tension.  After having back surgery, I was still having difficulty with fascial and muscle restrictions in my lower back which was limiting my movement.  Following a 12 series of Structural Integration, I could once again move without pain.  

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